Monday, June 27, 2011

Will you believe your friend?
Best Friend ever?
ya, sometime we are trust them
But do u think that friend will forever with you?
sometime, growing of time,
environment changing, know new friend.
All this might be causing
your best friend changing their personality.
still have LIE in between.
and i trust.
might be end one days.
i doesn't say we x have a real good friend.
But what i need to tell you all,
True Friendship
Is very difficult to find.
We are human,
even our own self,
do you can promise other people
u wont betray ur friend one day???


Joeyy said...

I have the same feeling as well...and i always believe that nothing lasts forever.Sad to know that but it's a reality that we must accept. sigh

^^Joyous Ran^^ said...

lol... I'm sorry to say that...
I can't promise I won't betray you lo... because I don't know who I might change to in the future... =)

crystal said... CHEER bah..someday if anyone betray you again..just blessing them, we are a human:)