Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29... T707

2day so HAPPY ah...hehe


Finally get my new HP "T707"

!stly.. reli wan 2 thank my Bro alot..

Luv him.. muack.. haha

But i wan pink de lor.. Finally get blue de

NVM lah.. me can accept it...

Thank A lot... ^^

Come on ..Let see it!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

2day a suck day lah...
go to tanjung aru second beach
4 wat.? moral project lor..
go bac 2 school...
wait from 1 p.m 2 p.m .. dunno lah
when the car coming.. gogo x reply me..
so tired n feel bad because really ...... yee..
shit man...
really hate evithing happen 2day..
early finish schhol but can't bac home
the 1 solution is follow jia qi at 3:30p.m lor
if x ...jalan kaki...=.=