Friday, April 6, 2012


The fact is.....
I know something which i hope wont happen
But i think it's real and with our girl 6 sense.
It's true.... The whole week ody emo.
Plus the fact, the mood really not good at all.
Somemore, exam next week...
Talking seriously i really stress.
I didn't act like i stress, doesn't mean i'm not.
i just duno why this semester,
i got no that OHM, but else i so steady like that.
something rong with me.. LOL
I hope steady is good thing.
I need to aim 5 As, this is my hope.
I'm seriously nervous about CGPA.
I hope i can aim for 1st honor.
nope only hope, i want to realize this dream.
it's not a JOKE..

Alright, I trust God. You give strength forever.
i believe you by faith. Nothing is impossible.

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